Database Design and Optimization


1. Has your software begun to work slowly ?

2. Do you need specific reports ?

3. And maybe it’s time for a data warehouse ?

When programs are running too slowly, when a simple query to the database are executed more than a few seconds, is the sign that should optimize our data base.

Do not buy a new expensive server! Our experience in working with databases can help to dramatically accelerate your program. We have dealt with the optimization of our products, and external programs, and in most cases improvement speed was satisfactory.

You have a extensive program but it can not get the relevant reports? Nothing could be simpler. Knowledge of database is enough that we prepare any reports in any format (Excel, CrystalReports, Web and others). Do not buy new modules or upgrades to your software only for reports! Ask us about reports.

Owning a many programs within the company causes problems when analyzing the data. The solution to this problem may be a data warehouse. Relevant data from all programs will be stored in one place, allowing them easy to use and make fast decisions.

Tel. +48 513 044 332
Skype: wojciech.kulicki
Janów Podlaski 21-505
Orzeszkowej 11
Vat No. PL5372176985